Frequently Asked Questions:
2025 Environment Offset Grant Program
for previous applicants
The Office of Sustainability has partnered with the Baltimore Civic Fund to administer the grants this year. The Civic Fund will be awarding grants on behalf of the City and all application submittals, award announcements, fund disbursements, and grant reporting will go through the Civic Fund. Questions regarding the grant application and the grant awards can be directed to either the Civic Fund (submissions@baltimorecivicfund.org) or the Office of Sustainability (Grace Hansen or Rachel Whiteheart). This partnership has allowed the Office of Sustainability to increase the maximum grant award from $49,000 to $75,000 and we anticipate that it will also allow the Office to award more funds than in past years.
The Baltimore Civic Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization that, since 1981, has served as a fiscal sponsor for the City of Baltimore to advance the Mayor’s priorities. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all residents of Baltimore one grant, one program, and one partnership at a time.