Frequently Asked Questions:
2023 Abortion Protection Fund
What is the goal of the Abortion Protection Fund?
In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe V. Wade and the constitutionally protected right to abortion. Maryland has strong laws protecting abortion and reproductive rights, and Baltimore City anticipates a rise in demand from people needing abortion care and family planning services from surrounding areas. The Abortion Protection Fund provides support to organizations located in Baltimore providing abortion care. Organizations that explicitly counsel against abortions or exclude abortion as a care option are not eligible for these funds.
Are there changes to the Abortion Protection Fund eligibility or program from last year to this year?
Yes. The guidelines and criteria for application have been changed in the following categories:
The application is restricted to organizations that offer abortions and abortion-related supportive services and education. General family planning or family planning services unrelated to abortion will not be eligible.
The requirement for financial information, related to accounting, has been updated to match Maryland state law. Applicants will be asked to provide a copy of their most recent IRS 990 or most recent audit based on the following criteria:
For organizations with charitable contributions less than $300,000: an IRS 990 filing within the past 12 months OR an independent audit that is no older than calendar year 2021.
For organizations with charitable contributions between $300,000 and $750,000: a financial statement reviewed or audited by an independent CPA that is no older than calendar year 2021.
For organizations with charitable contributions over $750,000: an audited financial statement prepared by an independent CPA no older than calendar year 2021.
Technical Assistance:
We have added a virtual Applicant Information Session that will allow potential applicants to ask technical questions and receive a tutorial on completing required templates, narratives, and general use of the new grant portal.
Grant Portal:
The grant portal used to submit your application is new. You will need to log in or create a new account on: https://baltimorecivicfund.submittable.com/
Award Amount:
The new grant award amount is up to $30,000.
Is it a firm requirement for my organization to be in Baltimore City in order to be eligible for the Abortion Protection Fund?
Yes. Applicants are required to provide proof of their physical address within Baltimore City.
Is it a firm requirement for my organization to be in Baltimore City in order to be eligible for the Abortion Protection Fund?
Yes. The requirement relates to the organization’s operating address, which must be in Baltimore City.
Our organization is a non-profit, but not classified as tax-exempt as designated in an IRS Determination letter. Are we eligible to apply?
Organizations that are fiscally sponsored by an organization that meets this tax-exemption requirement are eligible to apply. You will need to provide your fiscal sponsor’s IRS tax exemption letter as part of the application process.